Difference between Domodal and transferpage?

The DoModal function displays a secondary page. Secondary pages are modal, meaning that the user must dismiss the secondary page before continuing work in the page from which the secondary page was called.If you call DoModal without specifying a level number or any record parameters, the function uses the current context as the parent.We can alternately specify a secondary page in a command push button definition without using PeopleCode. This may be preferable for performance reasons, especially with Web client code. DoModal can display on a single page. To display an entire component modally, use DoModalComponent. Any variable declared as a Component variable will still be defined after using a DoModal function.

While a TransferPage transfers control to the page indicated by PAGE. page_name within, or to the page set with the SetNextPage function. The page that you transfer to must be in the current component or menu. To transfer to a page outside the current component or menu, or to start a separate instance of PeopleTools prior to transfer into, use the Transfer function.

Note. You can’t use TransferPage from a secondary page. Any variable declared as a Component variable will still be defined after using a TransferPage function.